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Trust Company Limited - About us

Since 1988, we have been selling and exporting quality, affordable Japanese used cars to more than 150 countries around the world.
We are one of the largest exporters of used vehicles in Japan and we offer a wide range of models and makes, professionally inspected and maintained.
It is easy to become one of our satisfied customers!

1000 vehicles in stock: find the right car for you.

Multi-language assistance directly from Japan: it is easy to communicate with us.


Skilled and experienced shipping staff: receive your car without troubles to more than 300 destinations around the world.

Professional vehicle maintenance and a reliable grading system: buy your car with confidence.


Spare parts service: easy ordering of spare parts for your vehicle.

Near to you: Local Customer Service Centers and inland delivery options.

  • Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
    Code: 3347
  • Member of Japan Used Motor
    Vehicle Exporters Association.
    No. 000274
  • Members of Nagoya Chamber of Commerce.
    No. 0534412-07864

Four questions you might want to ask about

  • How many vehicles do you sell every year?
  • In the last year we sold more than 8000 used vehicles.
  • How many people work in your company?
  • Our staff in Japan is composed by 49 people.
  • How many used vehicles do you have in your yard?
  • We have more than 2000 vehicles distributed through 3 different yards.
  • What are the main destinations for the vehicles you sell?
  • 60% of our second-hand vehicles go to Eastern and Southern African Countries.The remaining is divided between the Caribbean Area, Pacific Islands, Europe and Asia.

Collaboration with Zambia Postal Services Corporation

Trust Company Ltd. collaborates with Zambia Postal Services Corporation for payments and sale of used vehicles directly at ZamPost Post Offices.

Main services

Safe and quick payment for invoices from at any ZamPost Post Office around Zambia.

Direct purchase of quality used vehicles from at the ZamPost Post Offices enabled for this service.

Trust Company Limited - related businesses

In addition to our main business of exporting used cars, we are expanding our activities overseas and in Japan.

Car dealers in South Africa

Our subsidiary companies in South Africa operate car dealers for Suzuki.

J-net rent-a-car in Japan

J-net: a Japanese car rental company with more than 100 shops and a fleet of approximately 10,000 vehicles.

History of - Trust Company Limited

Trust Company Limited began in December 1988, filling the global demand for right hand drive vehicles.
We have been the first company to export Japanese second-hand cars in large quantities to places such as Africa, Pacific Islands, Caribbean, New Zealand, Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, Americas.
In November 2004, thanks to the continuous support of our valued customers, we were able to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Want to know more? Visit our corporate page.