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HOMETrust Company for Malawi
Trust Company for Malawi
Local support in Malawi

Find assistance to buy vehicles from Trust Company at
Cargo Management Logistics offices in Lilongwe and Blantyre.

Cargo Management Logistics Ltd. LILONGWE

Contact person: James Jamu (Lilongwe Sales Agent)
1st floor, Mpico Building, Kamuzu International Airport,

TEL: +265-994-962-252


Cargo Management Logistics Ltd. BLANTYRE

Contact person: Ateeqa Lambat (Blantyre Sales Agent)
Address: Encor Building, Makata Industrial Site,

TEL: +265-885-986-350

Inland transportation and direct delivery

Trust offers delivery service to Malawi by driver.


To view the price or receive a pro-forma invoice with inland transportation, select "Malawi" as final destination when you check the total price of the vehicle you like. The available destinations will automatically appear in the list of delivery options.

Customer's Voices from Malawi

R. S.

The Car has arrived in Lilongwe, will pick it in the morning today. Thank you for a great and professional work. Regards,


Mr. E.K

Dear Inna, I write to inform you that the vehicle arrived safely. My wife and I drove the car for more than 20 00 km from Dar es Salaam to the business city of Blantyre in Malawi. Very good car. You may want to know that Trust Company enjoys a good reputation for the cars that you sell. They a re of quality. From the words that people talked to me, I concluded that you are trusted business p artner for the government revenue collection arm-MRA in Malawi for straight and professional docume ntation. You are respected for that. That makes me a happy customer. Thanks to your team and regards.


Mrs E. K.

Hello Yoko, The Axio has just arrived today and now and let me thank you for the service well rendered and the vehicle looks so perfect! Keep helping Yoko. Regards,

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